Thursday, October 25, 2007


Here are a few storyboards from my animated short I am working on. It is entitled
"Leonard & Merlin: The Hindenburger"

In this story, the Evil Milkman has kidnapped fare Melissa. It is up to our heroes to rescue her and save the day.

The script is complete. I am working on the storyboards. I have about half of the story boarded. I am now at the beginning of the big battle at the end. This is where it gets tricky in deciding the right camera angles and action scenes.

Merlin Shmerlin

This is an early animation test I did with my character Merlin. It is an homage to the great Chuck Jones cartoon "Duck Amuck" starring Daffy Duck. In this story, Merlin enters the scene and is soon given a treat by an anonymous donor. However, the donor foils Merlin's plan in the end.

I had a lot of fun working on this. I ended up studying Trinity's now iconic jump from "The Matrix" frame by frame. The entire piece is traditional 2D animation, pencil and paper. I shot it with my digital video camera and then edited it in iMovie. The sound effects of the pencil were me scribbling on a piece of cardboard. I am providing the dialogue and breathing noises. I had to play the video and say the lines along with it. There was a moment of serendipatiousness. Merlins footsteps synced up perfectly with the drum beats. At the time, I couldn't have planned that if I tried.

All in all, I learned a lot from this short. I have plenty of ideas and I hope to see them come to fruition very soon.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

"The Hindenburger" movie poster concept drawing

This is a concept sketch for the movie poster for the Leonard and Merlin movie "The Hindenburger." The project is still in production and nearing completion of the storyboard phase.